Welcome to the Disabilities Newsletter. I hope all of you who have an interest in this subject will sign up. There are some very positive things going on with people with disabilities. It is important that we continue to explore what it means to be disabled. We also need to teach others in order to dispel the misconceptions that surround this culture.
I am always open to your valuable ideas and suggestions for the Disabilities site, newsletter or forum. If there are any topics that you would like to see discussed here, please let me know. I am as interested in learning more about disabilities as you are. Let’s find the answers together.
I hope you will sign up for this free newsletter and tell your friends about it as well. Signing up is easy! Type your email address in the area to the right under “Free Newsletter!” A confirmation notice will be sent to you. If you do not receive this confirmation, check your spam filter and reset it so you can receive the newsletter regularly. The newsletter is sent weekly with the latest article and any updates about the Disabilities site.
In future issues, I will be posting articles on types and descriptions of disabilities, including rare syndromes. I will be promoting best evidence based care for the disabled and their caregivers. In addition, I hope to encourage those with disabilities with information about the newest technology available, groundbreaking research, resources for employment, advocacy and education. I intend to profile those who have overcome their disabilities to accomplish great things.
Other topics will include sports, beneficial exercise, nutrition, adaptive equipment and clothing, and travel opportunities. I will provide information pertaining to regional and international resources. There is so much to look forward to!
In return, I hope to hear your stories, share some laughter, be made aware of your difficulties, and help you live the best quality of life possible.
BellaOnline strictly adheres to a No Spam policy, Your email address will never be sold or used for anything other than the Disabilities Newsletter. All of your information is kept completely private because we highly respect your right to privacy. When you sign up, the only thing that you will ever receive in your inbox is what you have requested.
I look forward to sharing all of this with you. Send me an email me if you have any questions or feedback.
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