Grief and Coping

Advocate for Yourself After a Miscarriage
It's not always easy to stand up for yourself and advocate for what you need but self-advocacy can be crucial after a miscarriage.
Be Compassionate With Yourself
Sometimes new trauma can dredge up old trauma. Here are some ways to cope.
Be Your Own Hero After Miscarriage
We all have heroes but surviving a miscarriage may mean you have to step up and become your own hero.
Bereavement Help and Information
It´s normal to go through a cycle of grief and bereavement after a miscarriage, particularly if your loss took place late in pregnancy. BellaOnline host Susanna Duffy has a collection of wonderful articles and links to help you cope with your loss.
Beware of Busyness
Being busy can help you cope with life after miscarriage. Just be sure you're not using that busyness as an excuse to avoid delaing with it.
Can Writing a Novel Help You Cope?
November is National Novel Writing month. Could writing a novel be a way to help you cope after miscarriage?
Coping With Mother's Day
Mother's Day can be tough if you've had a miscarrige. Here's some tips to help you cope.
Cultivating Gratitude After Miscarriage
Gratitude can help you heal after a miscarriage but you may need to practice a bit before you really feel it.
Dealing with Bad Parents
If you've had a miscarriage, it can be really hard to deal with parents who neglect or hurt their kids, even if you're only seeing them on the TV news.
Different Advice and Grief
Grief can be such a complicated process the coping skills that are useful to you six months from now, may be completely useless right now.
Don't Be Afraid to Talk about Your Grief
If you´ve had a miscarriage you might be tempted to say everything is okay even if that´s not the way you really feel.
Don't Compare
it's great to be able to share your story but if you find yourself comparing losses, you may not want to go there.
Don't See Yourself as a Victim After Miscarriage
Miscarriage can be so overwhelming, it can be tempting to see yourself as a victim but that can be detrimental to your healing.
Empathy After Miscarriage
A miscarriage might make you more empathic or it might compromise your empathy. How can we practice kindness and compassion towards one another?
Feeling Helpless After a Miscarriage
It´s not uncommon to feel like nothing you do can make a difference after you´ve had a miscarriage. How can you feel less helpless?
For Those Who Have Had Miscarriages [offsite link]
Written by a mother who lost her baby shortly after birth, this article tells the truth of what to expect as far as coping after the loss of a baby.
Friends After Miscarriage
Friends are really important after a miscarriage. Certain types can be more helpful than others.
Get Unstuck
It's easy to get stuck after miscarriage. Can new habits help you get unstuck?
Getting Un-stuck After Miscarriage
If you've had a miscarriage you should grieve as long as you need to but what if you're ready to move but just can't seem to?
Gifts You Can Give Yourself
Gifts are on everybody's minds at this time of year. If you've had a miscarriage, here are a few you can give yourself.
Give Yourself a Gift After Miscarriage
No mattter how you handle the holidays, making a commitment to do something just for you can help with the healing process after miscarriage.
Grieving Grandparents
Grief is a natural part of having a miscarriage but often your parents are greiving right along with you.
Healing After Miscarriage Through Gratitude
An "attitude of gratitude" can be tough to cultivate after the loss of your baby but it can also help you heal.
Hitting the Re-Set Button
Hitting the figurative re-set button can help us cope with miscarriage.
How Can You Help?
It can be hard to know what to tell people you need after a miscarriage. Here's a letter that can help.
How Do You Find Some Happiness?
If you've had a miscarriage or other loss, you might feel like you could never be happy again. Here are some things that happy people do differently.
I Don't Know How You Do It
People say "I don´t know how you do it." It´s meant as meant as a compliment, so why is it bothersome?
Insensitive Comments
This article is about the comments people may make after a miscarriage. For the most part, people are attempting to be comforting but they may say things that are actually pretty insensitive.
Jealousy After Miscarriage
After you have a miscarriage you may feel very jealous of women who are pregnant or who have babies.
Journaling Can Be Helpful
Keeping a journal after a miscarriage can help you sort out your feelings and emotions.
Just Breathe
Miscarriage and other stress can leave you feeling really overwhelmed. Sometimes just focusing on breathing can help you cope.
Keep Going After Miscarriage?
Our culture values a "keep going" mindset but that might not be what you need after miscarriage.
Laughter and Miscarriage
The old saying "laughter is the best medicine" may be more true than we realize especially after a miscarriage.
Loneliness After Miscarriage
Miscarriage can make you feel very lonely. Here are some tricks to combat that loneliness.
Meditation After Miscarriage
meditation can help you heal after a miscarriage. Here are some ideas to help you get started.
Mind Your Mother's Day-Advice for Loved Ones
We often think that Mother's Day and other holidays are all joyous Hallmark cards and love but for someone who has suffered pregnancy or infant loss, the holidays may be torture.
Miscarriage & Anxiety
It stands to reason that you might experience anxiety after a miscarriage with a subsequent pregnancy but what if your anxiety is more like a fallout from your loss?
Miscarriage and Fall
Back to school can remind you of your loss. Here are some creative ways to cope.
Miscarriage and Fathers
Miscarriage can be tough on dads too.
miscarriage and Fear
If you've had a miscarriage, you might be plagued by residual fear but it may be helpful to your healing process to sneak out of your comfort zone.
Miscarriage and Loss of Innocence
When you have a miscarriage, there is an obvious loss in the loss of your baby. Other losses can be more subtle but no less painful.
Miscarriage and Multi-Tasking
Grieving your miscarriage may require some multi-tasking on your part even though you might wish the world would just back off and respect your loss.
Miscarriage and Offers of Help
If you have a miscarriage,people may ask what they can do to help you. What do you ask for?
Miscarriage and PTSD
When you think of post-traumatic stress disorder, you usually think of someone who has been through a war but you can suffer from PTSD after a miscarriage too.
Miscarriage and Relationship Strain
Miscarriage can be tough on your relationship with your partner.
Miscarriage and Relief
Many women are devastated afer a miscarriage but some also experience feelings of relief. Here are some tips to help you not beat yourself up over it.
Miscarriage and Supposed to Be
If you've had a miscarriage you may spend a lot of time thinking about what you thought was supposed to be.
Miscarriage and Thanksgiving
Having a miscarriage can zap your sense of gratitude especially around the holidays but if you can find something to be thankful for, you'll probably feel better.
Miscarriage Grief
We don't always know how to deal with grief, especially after a miscarriage.
Miscarriage Milestones
Certain milestones after miscarriage like holidays or your dues date can be especially painful and reming you of your loss all over agian.
Miscarriage: Surviving Pregnancy Loss [offsite link]
This article outlines the grief process and what you should expect from others after a miscarriage, and it also gives you a glance at "normal" feelings for when you get pregnant again. It offers a wonderful list of your "healing rights," and is a must read for any woman who has suffered a loss.
More Music After Miscarriage
This is a continuation of music I listened to after my miscarriages.
More On Finding Happiness
If you've had a miscarriage, it may seem like happiness is hard to come by but happiness is possible no matter what your circumstances are. It just is a lot more work than most of us think.
Music After Miscarriage
I've previously written about songs I listend to after my miscarriages. Several people have asked me for a list, so here is a list.
Music Can Heal
Making yourself a mix of music can help you heal after a miscarriage.
Partners Grieving Differently
Your partner may be grieving over your miscarriage in a very different way than you are but that doesn´t mean he doesn´t care.
Patience After Miscarriage
Patience can be hard to come by especially after pregnancy or infant loss but there a few things you can do to help you be more patient.
People Who Just Don't Get It
If you've had a miscarriage there may be people in your life who just can't seem to understand
Personal and Global Tragedies
In the wake of tragedies like the Sandy Hook shootings and the Boston Marathon explosions, we can sometimes find hope and healing for our miscarriages by helping others.
Pet Adoption After Miscarriage
There are many lovable pets in need of homes. Perhaps adopting on after miscarriage might be a good way to help you heal.
Real Social Newtorks After Miscarriage
Facebook can be a great way to connect with people but if you've had a mscarriage, you should make sure your have some friends who aren't virtual.
Reconnecting After Miscarriage
Reconnecting with an activity you used to love, can help with healing after miscarriage.
Relationships After Miscarriage
The trauma of miscarriage might make you vulnerable to affairs. Here's some things you can do to help safeguard your relationship.
Resilience After Miscarriage
Resilience can help us recover from miscarriage but how do you become resilient?
Saying Nothing After Miscarriage
Sometimes people say inappropriate things after miscarriage. Sometimes it's worse though when they say nothing at all.
Silent Grief [offsite link]
This website accompanies a book of the same name, but it is a wonderful site that offers grieving parents a place to meet and not feel like they´re the only ones in the world.
Support group helps families cope with ´silent grief´ [offsite link]
This article outlines how a support group for miscarriage and stillbirth is helping numerous bereaved parents in Oregon.
Surviving a Baby Shower
Baby showers can be a lot of fun. But if you´ve had a miscarriage and you´re invited to some one else´s baby shower it can be really difficult.
Surviving Thanksgiving with Gratitude
The holidays can be tough after miscarriage but gratitude may help you cope.
Surviving the Holidays After Miscarriage
The holidays can be rough after a miscarriage. Here are some tips to help you survive.
Tackle That Big Project After Miscarriage
If you have a dreaded task you've been putting off, you may find that tackling it is just the thing to make you feel better after miscarriage.
Talking About Miscarriage
It can feel like nobody want to talk about miscarriage but sometimes people just don't know how.
Wanting to Talk About Miscarriage
It can be hard to talk about miscarriage but sometimes it can be hard not to talk about it.
What Do You Need After Miscarriage
How can you know what you need after experiencing a miscarriage?
What To Say After Miscarriage
There is some information out there on what not to say after a miscarriage. Here are some ideas of what you can say.
Why Ask Why
Asking why a miscarriages happened will probably be your first response but it's perhaps not the most constructive question to ask.
Winter Blues and Miscarriage
Winter can seem long and depressing especially after a misarriage. Here's some tips on how to cope.
Working with Heartbreak Meditation
This is a nice meditation to help you deal with grief written by Sally Kempton.
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