Healthy Lifestyle

“The Artist” Presents 5 Winning Life Skills
The Oscar winner “The Artist” makes a huge statement about our current stressful lifestyles: It’s time to go silent, simpler and spontaneous. Movies present a wonderful opportunity for emotional therapy.
10 Fast-acting Spring Stress Relievers
It’s time to spring clean your stressors in order to reduce inflammation and lighten your mood. Create a positive new script : To lighten up and be happier with less as you accomplish more for yourself instead of others. Because you are so busy, here are 10 quick stress-busters:
10 Powerful Energy Boosting Tips
To feel more energized you need to plug into an energy socket. To find the right socket identify your personal energizers. Here is a menu for you to pick and choose.
10 Tips to Transform Distraction into Focus
Distraction usually happens inside out. Be master of your mind rather than be mastered by it. Here’s how:
13 Anti-Aging Secrets
Slowing down the aging process to a crawl is everyone’s dream. Here are a few strategies which could help you revitalize and regenerate. Do all of them and you will have discovered the fountain of youth
3 Surefire Triggers to Help You Get Unstuck
A stressor which inflicts great physical and emotional pain is the perception that you are STUCK which then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
3 Ways Science Can Change Your Life Story
Perhaps you have heard the buzz word, neuroplasticity. If you haven’t, you might be unaware of the scientific magic of increasing your willpower, motivation, happiness and health.
4 Stress Personalities: Which One Fits You?
The stress response originates from specific potent points known as your weakest links. When one of these points gets activated, you need a specific treatment to target that particular stressor. One size does not fit all. Here are 4 stress types. Which one fits you?
40% of Your Happiness is Up to You
We know the basics about happiness, but we still don’t have a handle on it. What we really need is something concrete to go on.
5 Ways to Transform Regret to Relief
Regret is like clutter, messing up your mind with dark thoughts. However, don’t regret that you feel regret. Your regrets serve a vital evolutionary purpose to make you better.
6 Chill Summer De-stressing Tips
Summer is the best time to practice stress-management strategies, so that they can become knee-jerk responses for cold, dark, rainy days. Here’s how to chill:
6 Sneaky End-Of-Summer Stressors
Most of us are aware of the big stressors which rob us of health and happiness. Did you know that sneaky little stressors can do greater damage, exacting a huge toll on mind and body because we are unaware of them?
6 Strategies To Get More Self Control
Self-control means understanding the difference between reacting and responding. However, how do you get more self-control when confronted with habitual temptation-gratification during moments of stress?
6 Ways To Deal With An Epidemic Of Worry & Anxiety
Aren’t you tired of being told to be your authentic self, the best person that you can be, to feel more positive, happier and grateful? Here’s what you can do when you feel anxious, unhappy and ungrateful:
6 Words Starting with “S” Could Save Your Life
The best thing about America’s health crisis is that you can take charge of your health profile to reverse much of the damage and live healthier than ever before.
7 Ways to Dramatically Improve Your Attention Span
Technology overload has led to multi-tasking which has given most of us a micro-attention span – even doctors. Have I got your attention now?
7 Ways to Stop Winter Weight Gain Now
Fall, the season of the harvest, is the time when winter weight gain creeps into our lives at a steady pace. Then the holidays arrive to cheer us up around the winter solstice, ironically bringing more stress and oh, the dinners and parties replete with rich, calorie-laden cuisine.
8 Professional Tips to Handle Extreme Stress
Someone else’s stress is relatively easy for me to relieve. However, this week when I personally felt overwhelmed, here’s how I reset my natural rhythm.
8 Tips to Eliminate Your Energy Drainers
Are you feeling tired, the kind of tired where nothing really matters anymore? Have your energy levels dipped to the point that you feel like you are dragging around a leg iron? Here are some suggestions to help you get fired up:
8 Ways to Facilitate and Improve Daily Tasks
It’s not what you do, but how you do it when it concerns chores. You can do your tasks more efficiently and even whistle while you work. Here’s how to let work - work for you:
9 Surprising Bad Mood Triggers
Most people can identify obvious bad mood triggers like chronic pain, or being left off the invite list to a party. However, there are subtle, sneaky triggers which can be arrested in their tracks with just a little self-awareness giving you more energy to find resilient solutions.
A Bad Trait Could Be Your Signature Strength
Could your perceived weakness turn out to be your signature strength?
A Little Dirt Might Be Good For You
Are we too clean? Apparently, dirt is part of the delicate balance of healthy living. Learn how to reduce the inflammatory process.
Aim for the Ordinary, Not the Mediocre
The ordinary often turns out to be the extraordinary. Of course, the ordinary does not mean that you accept mediocrity. Here are ordinary activities that yield big results:
Alpha Women Are Prone to Depression
Women who follow endless to-do lists and drive themselves crazy with perfectionism show more symptoms of depression than women who are able to shed some of their duties to achieve greater work-life balance. Here are 6 self-concepts to keep in mind to transform your life to what you want it to be:
Are You a Noun or a Verb? Why it Matters
Whether you are a noun or a verb holds an important clue to self-awareness: Are you static or evolving?
Are You a Type D Personality? Here’s the Antidote
Recently a new personality type has been identified to be more prone to heart disease and stroke than the Type A. It is the Type D personality who is distressed and distant. The antidote is to understand what is holding us back from leading our lives.
Are You Afraid to Relax? Learn Why
Does the mere thought of free time, a vacation, or meditation and deep breathing fill you with anxiety and dread? Why do many of us fear relaxation, taking time out for the self to do nothing at all? Eye- opening research leads to better coping strategies.
Are You Making Yourself Sick Trying to be Healthy?
The quest for health could be a full-time occupation. Medical studies periodically change their minds. Here are some seemingly healthy actions which could actually turn out to be unhealthy.
Are You Really That Busy?
Our society is preoccupied with busyness. Can you tell the difference between a high energy person who lives intensely and the stressful energy of someone always living in the future for what’s next on the to-do list?
Are You Still Relevant
The number one factor which your happiness depends on is your opting to stay relevant throughout the decades. Relevance covers all aspects of daily living: Work, romance, friends and family. Here are 9 ways:
Are You Suffering from the Impostor Syndrome?
Do you live with a chronic case of self-doubt? Do you feel like you don’t deserve your success? You might have the impostor syndrome which is a real, psychological disorder.
Are Your Resolutions Right for You?
If you aspire to resolution success, I have one surefire strategy; ask yourself this basic question: How badly do you want it?
Be Happy ‘Round the Clock
How do you achieve happiness, the kind that lasts all day? Here is a sample weekday happiness schedule:
Become More Assertive, No Buts About It
Has the word "but" been creeping into your statements? I am happy, but. I gained weight, but those holiday meals. I would exercise, but I’m tired.
Being a Super Mom May Be Dangerous to Your Health
It seems like everyone is lining up waiting to be taken care of by Super Mom: husband, children, aging parents and the boss! The result - panic attacks, anxiety and depression. Here are some suggestions to shed the myth of perfection and the accompanying stress.
Best 3-minute Tips to Improve Your Health
We want immediate gratification and no one wants to work hard to enjoy a reward. Here are 8 powerful keys to good health – plain, simple and fast.
Can't Keep Your Resolutions? Try This
So how do you stay on track with all your New Year’s resolutions ranging from becoming a better person to exercising/ dieting and saving more money? At the root of all resolution success is the one simple act of decluttering.
Can’t Lose Weight? Try This Novel Approach
The problem with weight loss is the word, "loss". It has too many negative connotations. Instead, let’s focus on what is gained…
Caregiving Can Be Harmful to Your Health
A groundbreaking new study has revealed that caring for a sick spouse can raise a caregiver´s risk of death by 20%. Here are some suggestions for healthy caregiving:
Chinese Medicine Alternatives to Health and Happiness
Western medicine is just beginning to tap into stress as the root cause of many illnesses and as a major obstacle in disease management. Chinese medicine has been doing it for over 5,000 years.
Clean Up Your Space to Clean Up Your Life
If you are feeling messed up, have been trying to clear the air, or are ready to infuse your life with a brand new vigor, here are some symbols for the various cleaning counterparts
Clutter Can Mess Up Your Life
If your environment is cluttered and you are overweight, you might be wondering if there is an emotional connection. Perhaps, if you cure one, you cure both.
Could Cocoa Prevent Alzheimer’s?
The mere thought of a loved one getting Alzheimer's is stressful. But what if you were next in line? Alzheimer's starts in the brain decades earlier before it manifests. Currently cocoa extract is being studied as a cure.
Cynicism Could Hurt Your Health
Don’t be cynical about this fact: Cynicism could hurt not only your spirit, but your heart and your brain.
Daytime Rituals to Help You Sleep At Night
Sleep can become a chronic stressor if you aren’t getting it. So if your night time rituals aren’t working, consider that what you do during the day will impact your night.
Debunking the Myth of Kindness
A popular myth exists that being kind and compassionate means that we give ourselves away. However, it is time to realize that kindness and civility are selfish and advantageous.
Depressed? Worried? Try Going to Bed Earlier
Sleep has taken on a new health status these days for both prevention and healing of physical and mental health issues. Concerning quality sleep timing could be everything:
Dilute the Toxicity of 10 Common Stressors
Stress trespasses into our lives no matter where we live and work. Since living a stress-free existence is virtually impossible, the next best thing is to know how to dilute the toxicity:
Do Vacations Stress You Out?
Many people opt to take their much-needed vacation in the summer when work slows down a little. However, who would ever guess that a vacation from work could be more stressful than the job itself? What can you do to stress less and enjoy more?
Doing Everything Right, but No Weight Loss
You step up on the scale, hold your breath and the moment of truth seems like a big fat lie: you have not lost one ounce. In fact, you gained a pound! What’s going on?
Don't Stress, Think Yourself Thin
Weight Loss has gone awry, even a health hazard. Why pay hefty prices to starve because you can do that on your own for free? Successful weight management has always been free and sustainable…
Don't Try So Hard to be Happy
If you are on a quest for happiness, give it up because you will end up miserable. Here are some concrete suggestions to apply to your activities of daily living to accept where you are and to flow with whatever life conspires against you.
Don’t Become an iPatient
A disturbing trend in medicine - doctors using more technology and less human(e) observation to diagnose and treat their patients - has created era of the “iPatient.” Here’s what you can do about it:
Don’t Stress About Aging: Start Your Health Account Today
There is the impressive statistical evidence of the effectiveness of disease prevention and management in cancer, dementia, cardiac ailments and diabetes. The great news about investing for our golden years is that we get to enjoy and use the interest immediately! Here´s how.
Don’t Stress About Spring Allergies
While stress doesn’t cause allergies, it exacerbates and triggers flare-ups. Once you experience annoying allergy symptoms, you become irritable – which puts you into a negative loop. Here’s what to do:
Drop Dead Gorgeous - Holistic Alternatives to Cosmetic Surgery
Why are we women cutting up our faces? Why are we becoming obsessed with our bodies? We need to take back our power! Here are some suggestions to attain internal and eternal beauty:
Drop Weight by Lifting Your Spirit
Being overweight and feeling depressed go hand in hand. In fact, they fuel one another according to a new study involving women ages 40-60.
How do you boost your self-confidence when you are feeling unattractive, heavier or older?
Exercise Is Soul Medicine
Exercise can literally be our lifelines because it is self-healing and grounding - generating positive energy. It helps us realize that we can exercise control over our lives.
Exercise Transforms Your Brain
According to Dr. John Ratey, a Harvard Medical School professor the primary benefit of exercise is to supercharge our brains to beat stress, boost memory and so much more.
Face to Face versus Facebook
Facebook and Reality TV can subtly rob you of your self-esteem and your spontaneous joy. Too much time spent on Facebook and Reality TV = STRESS.
Feeling Anxious? Eat Sauerkraut
That sinking feeling in your gut which heralds an anxiety attack might actually respond to eating fermented foods which contain probiotics.
Feeling Hopeful Limits Impulsive Spending
People who feel hopeful about the future spend less and save more. However, when people do not believe that upper mobility could happen for them, they spend their money impulsively. 8 tips to curtail impulsive spending:
Female Stress Could Pose a Risk for Alzheimer’s
Women who are worried, anxious, nervous, jealous and experiencing sleep problems, you have yet another reason to be stressed: Alzheimer’s disease. Here’s how to improve your stress profile.
Fight Spring Allergies Naturally and Cheaply
Tree pollen and mold accompany the beauty of nature and the wind is spreading the news. Seasonal commercials bombard us with idyllic images of allergy medication.
Finally, Happiness is Attainable
The good news is that happy people are not really all that happy. Happy people do not really have the best of everything; rather they just make the best of everything. Here’s how:
For Free Healing Learn How to Laugh
Humor is an amazing coping skill for both physical and emotional stressors. But, what if there is just too much pain and sadness in your life and you do not see even a tiny opening for a little humor?
Freshmen 15 Weight Gain is Not Just for Freshmen
We are all freshmen during different times in our lives.Significant weight gain during a period of transition means that we are out of balance. Here is how to embrace change.
Frugal Fitness Tips
If you can become frugal with your fitness, then you will most likely lose weight. Frugal fitness translates to frugal with other things like calories and time.
Frugal Is the New Chic
Shabby chic is out and frugal is in. Many people are going closet shopping, their own or their friends´ where mixing and matching to create a "look" is the hottest trend in fashion.
Fruits and Veggies Make You Happier
The rainbow diet just got brighter. People who eat fruits and vegetables reap an important emotional gratification: Happiness.
Gardeners Tend to be Happier and Healthier
Throughout the ages gardeners have known the secrets to longevity and health. Why gardeners are healthier:
Genes or Environment? Environment Wins
New findings claim that environmental factors outweigh genetic profile concerning weight loss: Here’s how to take control of your health:
Get Fit and Modify Your Behavior at the Same Time
This is the interim when we all resolve to be better. Then a couple of weeks down the road we lose our momentum and revert to what we always do. What if we could get fit and improve our mindset at the same time?
Get Rid of Stress By Learning How to Say No
Get Your Resolutions Back On Track
The New Year resolution path is paved with good intentions. What makes a resolution successful is the ability to discern a wish from a resolution. Here’s how to get back on track:
Give Yourself The Best Mother’s Day Gift Ever
According to the American Medical Association women tend to suffer greatly from self- suppression. Therefore this Mother’s Day whether you are a mother or a daughter, it is time to nurture yourself: Have your say! Nice people don’t really like being nice.
Good Posture Makes It Hurt Less
While you might have hated the painful reminders about standing or sitting up straight when you were a child, good posture actually helps manage pain.
Gossip Your Stress Away
The urge to gossip can be irresistible. According to recent statistics both men and women gossip about the same subjects and just as often! Considering that 2/3 of our conversations consist of gossip, there are some redeeming qualities.
Happiness Made Simple
There are two barriers separating you from your bliss:
Have You Become Invisible?
Who among us has not wished to be invisible similar to an undetected fly on the wall, safely overhearing conversations and observing others?
However, many of us grow increasingly upset and tired of being invisible for example:
Health Benefits of Becoming A “Domestic Athlete”
What is a domestic athlete? This is a person who puts in the most effort in the least amount of time and gets results. Here’s how to be one:
High Heels Fall Flat This Season
Since 2015 I have been observing a random sample of women and realized that none have been wearing high heels. When you wear flats, you will be considered a trailblazer because:
Housecleaning Reduces Stress
As long as you have to clean your place, why not use it as a targeted method for coping with stress?
How Exercise Can Supercharge Your Relationship
Exercise empowers the self physically and mentally awakening your potential to grow and move forward in life. Working out provides a natural high, so you can look down at your relatively small problems to see the total picture to then find a solution. Here are 5 benefits:
How Men Can Live as Long as Women
From the moment a male is born statistics show that on average he will live a shorter life span than a woman. He dies first because of the “ideals” of masculinity.
Here’s how to help him change his thinking.
How My Dog Trained Me
We all have a powerful ability to concentrate and tune out distraction, but we also have the shadow ability to disconnect from our feelings. My dog, Bailey, recently pointed that out in a humorous way!
How the Japanese “Kaizen” Method Can Change Your Life
The secret of success is the dogged, determination to succeed, not the determination to avoid failure. Using Kaizen thinking, rather than worrying about quick and dramatic results, we can move slowly with discipline and awareness.
How to Become a Wise Person at Any Age
You don’t have to be old to be wise. Balancing earth practicality with spiritual vision on a daily basis will make you wise and in touch with your inner knowing. Here´s how:
How to Boost Your Children’s Self-Esteem
In a highly demanding stress-filled world our children are battered by academic, social and enrichment demands. So, how do you boost your children’s self-esteem and insulate them from a one-size-fits-all world?
How to Boost Your Self-Confidence
Most daily stressors gnaw at the root of self-esteem. Filling your thoughts with perceived enemies and old conflicts drains your spirit and saps your creative joy. Here is how to take the first steps towards boosting your self-confidence. The secret to getting ahead is getting started.
How to Brighten the Rest of Winter
Cold weather along with less daylight stresses us out physically and emotionally. Here are some research-based tips on warming your heart during the cold weather.
How to Cope When Bad Things Happen to Good People Like Us
How to Create the Life You Dream About
Many of us are fascinated with artists, actors, writers, architects and all sorts of creative people. We sigh and wish upon a star that we could be creative like them. The good news: We can develop our creativity as well as our children’s and learn to apply it.
How to Cure Stress Addiction
Do you do it all- Work, run the house, raise the children, take care of the finances, volunteer at the PTA and attend a book club? It’s time to take back your power and turn stress into strength.
How to De-Stress While Traveling
I just returned from a whirlwind TV news station tour out West, five cities in five days. When you travel for business or pleasure and your schedule is hectic, don’t let yourself get depleted. Here’s what worked for me:
How To Deal With Anger - The C.O.P.E Method
How to Deal With Stress Weight Gain
Research asserts there is a greater link between stress eating and weight gain than previously thought. Living stress-free is not a realistic option. And most of us won’t reach for broccoli and celery sticks when we are upset. Here’s how to deal:
How to Deal With the Heat
We try to beat the heat, but instead generate more internal combustion. To get along with the heat we need to practice what Eastern philosophy has known for centuries. Here are some tips to cool off and cool down
How to Deal With the Pressure to Be Happy
Many of us feel pressured to be happy and when we are not feeling optimistic and upbeat, we become disappointed; after all we failed at Happiness 101. However, what if every night we compiled a list of “Look What I Did Today?”
How to Ease Your Pain
When you are experiencing chronic pain, and do not know how to get past it, consider the power of your own mind to redirect your focus and allow your body to heal itself. Recent studies indicate that the mind can drive pain even when the cause has dissipated.
How to Emerge from Winter Fatigue
Winter is almost over, so why do you feel fatigued, achy and low-spirited? Get down into the earth and get good and dirty. Nature is a potent antidepressant. I am not just being poetic here. The soil consists of good bacteria.
How to Enjoy Being Ordinary
Youtube, Reality TV, American Idol, have brought dissatisfaction into our lives. Now we all wish upon a star to be DISCOVERED. Here’s how to feel happy as an ordinary person.
How to Focus On What You Can Do
It’s easier to lick a bruised ego than take an inventory of personal strengths and act. Whether trying to lose weight or get a job during difficult times, you might say, “Oh, what’s the use?” when you’re not successful. Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
How To Get Along with the Long, Hot Summer
Many of us are moaning and groaning: “Another hot, sunny day – how oppressive!” Instead of beating the heat, we need to get along with it! Here are some tips to coexist with the heat.
How to Get More Comfortable with Comfort Foods
Feeling stressed - who doesn’t reach for comfort food? Since you are what you eat, food choices can reveal major clues about the buried treasure of personality. Here are some popular comfort foods - what they symbolize and their healthier versions:
How to Get More Control
Have you been objectified in the doctor’s office, felt underappreciated at work or de-constructively criticized at home? Does that gallon of ice-cream control you? Getting more control often begins by going the opposite route:
How to Get Motivated to Exercise and Overcome Depression
When someone is mildly depressed, the first remedy that comes to mind is exercise. Ironically, the depressed person who needs to exercise most is not likely to exercise. Here are some suggestions to begin exercising when you are depressed and feel that you don’t have the energy to do it.
How to Get Rid of Back Pain and Other Weak Links
While some back aches and neck pains are a disease process, many are a biophysical response to an emotional state. Your body often serves as a metaphor for what is happening in your mind.
How To Get The Support You Need
What keeps you from simply asking for what you need, enlisting the support of family members, friends, colleagues and your boss?
Basically, it’s too little “identity equity.” The problem is that many people confuse asking for help with a sign of weakness.
How To Go From Blah to Ah
Feeling that your life is filled with the blahs? It’s time to learn what happy people know: How to make the best of everything.
9 ways to spark your sense of wonder:
How to Grow Out of Childhood Insecurities
Not all adults get over their childhood insecurities; instead most baby boomers still carry them around like heavy baggage feeling unattractive, angry, anxious or insecure. Here are some suggestions to grow out of it and get over it:
How to Handle Happiness Deficit Disorder
It’s positively depressing how much has been written about happiness. However, if you have ordinary HDD - Happiness Deficit Disorder –here are two practical and profound approaches to happiness:
How to Handle the Stress of Betrayal
High profile stars, Jennifer Aniston and Sienna Miller have made the headlines with titillating captions as victims of betrayal. What about all of us plebians who have experienced betrayal and do not have the resources the stars do to get over it? And why are we so hurt when our trust is betrayed?
How to Heal Ourselves
Doctors, both Western and Eastern, know that the secret to healing rests with you and so the responsibility! All the medical drugs and treatments work best when we intentionally partner our own healing by putting our mind and body into it. Here’s the recipe:
How To Improve Your Mood – Fast
Stuck on: a long line, in traffic, a rude remark, it’s time to change the unpleasant mental movie to a calmer, more enjoyable one.
How to Keep Your Man Safe on Super Bowl Sunday
Few associate Super Bowl Sunday with danger. However, the medical community warns that on this day some men will visit the emergency room for heart attacks, gastrointestinal problems and broken bones.
How To Let Go Instead Of Give Up
The greatest stress in life is the stress we cannot control. You don’t have to give up on a relationship, quit a generally solid job or give up a professional educational track because you feel powerless or diminished. Simply, let go of self-criticism.
How to Let Go of the Need to be Right
Where does this need to be right stem from? When you express yourself honestly and openly, you let go of the need to be right.
How to Lose Weight with the Zen No-Diet
Human beings by nature are not creatures of deprivation and in the land of good and plenty, plain and simple, a weight loss program that involves cutting back on food is not going to work culturally. We have to come up with other ways (weighs) to be healthy and look good.
How to Love Yourself – the Secret to Happiness
During the course of our lives others erode us, criticize us and make demands on us, including parents, teachers and friends. The source of all health and happiness is a good self-concept. Here´s how:
How to Maintain Your Weight during the Holidays
The holidays are noted for weight gain, but what if it were possible not to gain any weight at all? You can counteract the excesses of the season: De-clutter and lose weight. This cause and effect works because there is an emotional component in both clutter and overeating.
How to Make Decisions Without Anxiety
When it comes to making a decision, many of us procrastinate, then second guess ourselves ultimately experiencing stomach-churning anxiety. The ability to adjust and change when we are wrong is crucial in the decision-making process that inevitably leads to great success.
How to Make More Rational Decisions
During these financially difficult times with massive layoffs and the dollar being devalued we need to get a handle on our expenditures and stop shopping to fill an empty heart or keep up an image. Most of us are aware of the placebo effect. However, do we know the far-reaching effects of a placebo?
How to Overcome Spring Allergies Naturally
If you are experiencing itchy eyes, a dry, raspy throat, sneezing, sinus headaches and tiredness, chances are you have seasonal allergies. For years I was an allergy sufferer. However, for the past three years my allergies have been declining and this year I have no symptoms at all! Learn how:
How to Prevent Medical Mishaps
No One is immune to medical mishaps. Whether you examine Dr. Nancy Snyderman’s breaking her Ebola quarantine, or Joan Rivers’ endoscopy, doctors appear to be behaving badly. Can a patient simply trust the doctor? Here’s how to avoid a medical mishap:
How to Prolong Happiness
When it concerns happiness, many studies focus on how to achieve it. However, this is not getting to the heart of the matter as even depressed people experience happiness; instead the focus should be not merely finding your bliss, but rather holding on to it.
How to Quickly Get in Shape for Summer
The calendar says spring and a feeling of imminent dread creeps into your heart as your mind imagines a beach with a beached whale and you are the whale. Here’s how to get in shape fast.
How to Reduce Stress and Reverse the Aging Process
Researchers have discovered that severe emotional distress accelerates the aging process. Here are proven methods for reversing your biological clock to look and feel a decade younger.
How to Remember and Interpret Your Dreams to Reduce Stress
How to Say No to Temptation
Temptation peaks during the holidays. It is as though the shorter, darker, colder days set up a stress craving to alleviate the absence of spring and summer. Here are 5 strategies:
How To See Fall In a Better Light
Part of the problem with the end-of-summer blues lies in the following season’s name, fall. The word associations we have are: Fall down, fall apart, the biblical fall of man, and falling leaves – what a mess! 9 benefits of the season:
How to Stay On Track This New Year
What is will power anyway? Apparently, it is the vast wasteland between I will and I won’t. Will power is driven from both the mind and the body.
How to Stop Those Powerful Sugar Cravings
Getting off the sugar roller coaster is not just beneficial for your waistline. Without the stress of a sugar surge which is always accompanied by a fatiguing crash, you will experience greater inner peace and stability; also there will be a big boost to your immune system.
How to Stop Your Child’s Summer Weight Gain
When school’s out, the pounds go up. If there were a grade given for summer fitness, many would receive an F for fat. However, it’s not too late to reverse the weight gain in mid-summer.
How to Strengthen Your Mind
It is pretty certain that none of us want to lose our minds. Strengthening the mind involves growing new brain cells to replace damaged ones, enhancing sluggish synaptic connections. Here¡¦s how:
How to Train Yourself to be Happy
The joyously surprising news is that even if you are born to be sad, you can imitate the characteristics of happy people to change your nature.
How to Upgrade Your Spirit in a Plummeting Market
This is the time to breathe, reflect and take an inventory both nationally and personally: Stability before mobility.
How to Wake Up and Smell the Roses
Identify Your Cues For Weight gain
Just like stress triggers are all around us, so our food cues. When you become aware of your personal food cues, you can create some pre-emptive measures to stop eating calorie dense foods:
Identity Theft – Are You Robbing Yourself?
Many of us have seen the TV commercials showing the prevalence of identity theft from the point of view of the smug faces of the thieves.However, this is merely the dramatic tip of the iceberg. Deep down is the more serious kind, the daily identity theft many of us experience regarding who we are.
If Animals Could Talk, Their 13 Best Health Tips
Animals can teach us a great deal about good health – physical and emotional. 13 animal lessons for human nature:
Improve Your Body Image with Wabi-Sabi
Body dissatisfaction does not promote healthy behaviors. Being preoccupied with appearance is a way to avoid facing internal unhappiness and feeling out of control.
Is Being Super Cheerful Making You Unhappy?
Trying to be happy, you feign super cheerfulness. This means smiling a lot and pretending everything is fine, and of course, verbalizing that you are grateful for everything! Consider that acting as if could lead you down the road of depression. Here are 9 grounded happiness tips:
Is Fall Sapping Your Energy? Some Energy Generating Tips to Fall Back On
Around me I see tired eyes, frowns and sluggish gaits. Energy, positive energy, is at an all-time low. I wonder why? Fall compels us to take stock of our homes, gardens and workplace. Here are some suggestions to generate good vibrations:
Is Fear of the Flu Giving You Cabin Fever?
"Flu season is here and it is the worst ever. All I hear is that babies are dying and that the flu shot does not protect against all strains. This is really stressing me out. Do I stay home or ....."
Is Sitting Really Deadly?
While you sit and watch the Olympics where other people are active, consider this: Being inactive is responsible for 1 in 10 deaths worldwide. 5 tips for a more active lifestyle
Is There a Mel Gibson Inside You?
While Mel Gibson might be an extreme, we all have some unresolved anger within which we believe we have come to terms with, but then… Anger is a good barometer of your own insecurity – a lack of true power.
Is Your Life a Mess? Spring Clean Your Mind
Getting rid of stuff and shining up your space promotes personal growth and blossoming. But why does getting rid of things lead to happiness? Mess means stress:
Is Your Life Like Groundhog Day?
How strange that we celebrate a cute rodent every February 2nd (his predictions are correct less than 40% of the time) to determine if we are going to have a long winter! By now many of us are tired of winter, here we snow again, and suffering from a bit of seasonal affective disorder.
It’s Time to Initiate the Self-Stimulus Package
People go through great lengths to achieve contentment like getting all fired up in sweat lodges to attract success and happiness, a secret they have to pay for. This is why I am revealing my free “Self-Stimulus Package” to show you how to be the person you want to be TODAY.
It’s Time to Wear Your Pink Tiara!
My daughter is turning sixteen and thoroughly enjoying every moment of this rite of passage. I have a lot to learn from her.
Learn to be Lucky
After interviewing a random sample of self-proclaimed lucky people, here are the basic attributes I have found. Study them, so that you can improve your luck or even better, consider yourself blessed.
Let Your Passion Find You
Throughout life I have always heard the phrase, “Find your passion.” Quite frankly this quest has made me feel a bit pressured at the same time chipping away at my self-esteem when I didn’t find it.
March Makes New Year’s Resolutions Stick
If you have slackened off your New Year’s Resolutions, luckily you get a big boost: March begins the Motivational New Year and you are likely to succeed now.Here are 3 questions I use every March to help make a fresh start.
Meditate Your Stress Away
The benefits of meditation in stress management can be demonstrated on PET scans.Yet many of us, including myself, initially resist the idea of meditation or view it as an impossible dream. Here is how I learned to enjoy meditating.
Menopause? Time to Hit Refresh
Menopause connotes negativity - men o pause ¡V the end of male interest; an unwelcome byproduct of this perception would be turning into an invisible woman, or worse, an old woman. Let¡¦s focus on the truer reality: You can age backwards.
Metabolize Your Past and Lose Weight
These days everyone wants a faster metabolism to be able to eat more, lose weight and have everyone admire that you have a fast metabolism. Wouldn’t it be great to metabolize your past – the anger, the regrets and the sadness?
Metamorphosis Made Easy
Normally, we don’t consider an egg, caterpillar, or pupa, to be beautiful. It’s the dazzling butterfly that lures our attention. We must give up our need to control and surrender to our animal nature, letting ourselves be overtaken by transformation. Change happens in stages.
Midnight Binging is Stressing Me Out - What Can I Do
I wake up in the middle of the night and eat ice cream, cookies or even fried chicken? Why am I stuck in this pattern?
Need Confidence? Try Lying To Yourself
How do you attain self-confidence to complete goals when throughout life others chip away at you?
New Year, But Keep the Same You
Typical New Year¡¦s advice focuses on ephemeral resolutions. All these compulsory promises made during the dead of winter when the days are darker, colder and you have less energy. Seriously, aren¡¦t you tired and bored with this useless and frustrating ritual? Personalities and core values are pret
No Respect for Obese Patients
When doctors administer a dose of empathy, it is reserved for normal weight patients. The overweight patient who stands to benefit from understanding experiences medical prejudice - a judgment about their lack of will power.
Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
Sometimes people get caught up in toxic dramas created by family, friends and colleagues. Note that there are inherent costs to this kind of involvement ranging from health to happiness. Protect your brain from negativity which causes stress and inflammation both physically and emotionally.
Old Lives Matter
We live in an age of hypervigilance regarding political correctness except for one major demographic: Senior citizens.
Open a New Door to Happiness with an Old Childhood Song
The keys to happiness are old and stored inside you through memory and association. A fragrance or song can evoke a positive or negative association from the past and color your mood. Here’s how to easily find allusive happiness through our senses.
Pain Relief Without Bad Side Effects
No more Vioxx, Bextra, or Celebrex. Many of us are stressed by the mere thought of living without pain killers. Instead of taking harmful drugs for your aches and pain, here are some suggestions:
Quantum Caregiving for Alzheimer’s
Quantum Caregiving uses the past to heal the present. Here’s how to do it:
Resolve to Make Peace with Your Worst Enemy - Yourself
We are surrounded by enemies and it’s time to make peace with them: our food, our bodies and our past. This moment, together, let’s commit to live life differently by changing our attitudes about our appearance and our accomplishments. Here's how.
Safe Solutions for Harmful Inflammation
The latest medical research has revolutionized our understanding of the role of inflammation as the root cause of chronic pain and many diseases. To reduce inflammation we can make a few healthy changes to our lifestyle and diet.
September Means New Year’s Resolutions
September is the month of new beginnings, a fresh start to trigger change. So with all that said, isn't it better to make your New Year's resolutions during the new vibrational energy of a crisp fall, as opposed to a cold, dark January?
Shed Stress, Boost Confidence in a Simple Act
A single polite gesture as simple as, holding the door open for someone, smiling at another shopper while on a frustrating line, or saying a few positive words to a friend or colleague can stop a stress response in its tracks. Here’s what you need to know:
Shopping Is a Great De-stressor
For many women shopping is avoidant coping with a hefty price tag. However, when it comes to shopping, we all know that one size does not fit all. Shopping might just serve as a great stress-management strategy! Here’s how:
Should Women Avoid Men to Reduce Heart Disease?
An unhappy marriage predisposes women to metabolic syndrome. Yes, the man in your life could be making you fat! Should you dump him?
Should You Exercise Alone Or With A Buddy?
Spring tempts us out of our baggy sweaters to shed the layers. But how do you jumpstart your exercise regimen? Do you work out with a friend, a trainer, take a class or go it alone? Here are the benefits, so you can decide:
Should You Trust Your Intuition?
Women have cornered the market regarding intuition - a woman’s intuition is equivalent to possessing a sixth sense. So what is intuition, how do you access it and should you trust it?
Sleep Your Weight Away
These days just about everyone wants to lose weight. However, no one wants to feel deprived and hungry or give up comfort food. Here are some tips to help you sleep your weight away.
Snooping – What It Reveals About You
Snooping has a darker side. It indicates that we are suspicious, insecure, and vulnerable. The root cause of snooping is an underdeveloped sense of self. So, the next time you have the urge to snoop....
So You Have Resolved to be Better - Now What?
Now that we have all pointed ourselves in the right direction and passionately pledged to take small steps on the path of self-improvement, how do we avoid, when no one is watching us, jumping into a taxi and heading to the closest and easiest place to give into our old habits?
Spring Clean Your Health Myths
It’s time to spring clean those health myths that have settled like cobwebs in the recesses of the mind. 5 health myths unmasked:
Spring Cleaning Brings the Joy of Accomplishment
Tap into the natural rhythm of spring by engaging in spring cleaning and other spring activities. As I spring into action to de-clutter my space, I clear out my mind, to see my goals in a different light and I announce my intentions as a way to bring them into reality.
Spring Is Here: The Season of Fresh Beginnings
There’s a bright new energy in the air. Nature’s New Year. It’s easier now that spring has arrived. Time for us to transform ourselves into butterflies. Here´s how:
Stress Can Cause Vision Loss
When you are upset, you find it difficult, if not impossible, to reframe the picture with a positive one. And at this point you are not only hurting your spirit, but your physical vision. Here’s how:
Stress Can Make You Accident Prone
Have you been tripping on uneven pavements and bumping into furniture or people more than usual? Have stairs become your enemy? Have you become a menace in the produce section of your local supermarket?
Stress Can Make You Fat
People who are already battling the bulge seem to really pack on the pounds when they experience stress.
Stressed About Getting Alzheimer’s? Try Exercise
If you are worried about getting Alzheimer’s, especially if someone in your family has the disease, then you should supercharge your mental circuits with exercise. Here’s why:
Stressed? Unhappy? Time To Redecorate
Do you want to feel joy once again as you fortify your identity? Reach a more heightened state of self-awareness? Moreover, do you want to experience a fresh new beginning as you renew your sense of purpose? I have a simple and mundane method:
Summer Stress? Flip Flops Have Emotional Benefits
Shoes support the various roles you play in life. As soon as you step into a specific shoe, you take your cue regarding mood and purpose.
Talking to a Friend is the Best Medicine for Stress or Depression
Tap Into the Power of the No Mind
The no mind promotes a calm can-do mindset which can deal with stressors or problems as they arise, one at a time, before they build up due to a fearful, wandering imagination. Here¡¦s how to tap into its powerful benefits:
Tap Into the Surprising Healing Power of Art
Many of us believe that art is quite useless. Can you feed hungry people a painting of bread? Can you heal a cancer with a song? Or maybe you can! 7 quantifiable things art can do for you:
The 5 Benefits of Telling Lies
If you have been taught to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, you might want to reevaluate this truism. A good lie has many fundamental benefits which include promoting well-being, compassion, good humor, and happiness.
The Benefits of Being Bad
Are there inner conflicts which hinder you from self-actualization and happiness? Discover your self-reliance by confronting your do-I-dare mindset. What’s bad might turn out to be really good for you.
The Benefits of Being Bad
Are there inner conflicts which hinder you from self-actualization and happiness? Discover your self-reliance by confronting your do-I-dare mindset. What’s bad might turn out to be really good for you.
The Best Health Care Provider
The best health care provider - readily available, affordable and without the wait- can add years to your life and life to your years. Here is the inside story:
The Best RX For A Healthy Life
The path to well-being is a remarkably easy-to-follow and clearly marked trail. According to National Geographic Magazine no one has embraced the medicalization of nature more than the South Koreans who suffer from work-related stress, technology addiction, and academic pressure.
The Difference Between Naked and Nude
Do you know the difference between naked and nude? Here is how to feel comfortable in your own skin:
The Effect Of Light On Emotion
Bright light has a dark side which can up the intensity of our emotion – for the good or the bad. Here’s how to use it to your advantage.
The Happiness Lie
The difference between a sad person and a happy person could hinge on the ability to tell a “good” lie.
The Healing Power Of Being A Contrarian
: At first she said, "Let's see what the day brings." Then she self-corrected: "Let's see what you bring to the day." This simple shift in perspective holds a deep secret to happiness:
The Health Benefits of Singing
Whether singing in the shower, in a choir or with a small child, “sound therapy” is linked to health benefits for body and spirit.
The Healthy Habits of People Who Never Get Sick
Do you know someone who never gets sick? When you question a random sample of never-get-sick people, a few basic similarities emerge:
The Hidden Stress of Hanging on to Clothes
It is common knowledge that most of us wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time because we play favorites. However, we continue shopping and spending money that we could have used more wisely or saved. Time to reduce your closet.
The Inside Story about Housework and Exercise
Past research studies have touted housework and gardening as good exercise. However, in a new study from the University of Ulster about exercise habits, those who counted housework as exercise were more obese. Did the study account for personal execution of housework and gardening?
The Italian Police, Lady Gaga & a Funeral
We can all notice celebrities and even become celebrities.
The Joys of Sex Are Out There, But Where Is the Intimacy?
We all know that sex sells. In recent years physicians have jumped on the band wagon marketing books that graphically depict sex. However, remarkably absent is the whole idea of intimacy and emotional connection – the true joy of sex.
The latest Medical Trend Is Back To The Future
Medical trends concerning diagnosis, treatment and prevention are constantly transforming, often reversing, as medical science learns more about healthy living through controlled studies. Here’s what has changed:
The Link between Spirituality and Happiness
Scientists claim that we have this spiritual gene to help take away the sting of our mortality through belief in the upbeat story of a higher power and an afterlife. Spirituality,triggers unity, flashes of insight, serenity, passion, creativity, positivism and hope. Here´s how to get more spiritual!
The New Frontier In Female Envy
The latest frontier in body envy is cited by USA TODAY's Arienne Thompson who questions female obsession with celebrity post-baby bodies, like Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johansson, who look skinny and toned soon after delivery.
The Power of Pampering
To create time and space to ease into yourself you need to believe that you have a right to an unfettered happiness. Begin by creating an inspiring environment at home
The Real Reason Women Don’t Like Their Bodies
Did you know that only about 50% of women like their bodies? And if a woman doesn’t like her body, then she is less likely to eat healthy, exercise and take care of herself.
The Real Reason You Feel So Tired
So, why do people who get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet feel tired too?
The Secret Meaning of Anger in Relationships
People in a relationship who disagree do so to communicate their feelings and pave the way for compromise and change. However, when anger is always present during a “discussion,” do you know that anger could signal sadness?
The Sinister Effects of Sitting
Even if you begin your day with an intense workout around 60-90 minutes, you cannot feel smug and rest on your laurels for the remains of the day. People look down at you if you sit all day!
The Stress-Relieving Benefits of Patience
When you grow patient with yourself, you lighten that tense burden of accomplishment.You are in touch with your internal energy. Just as your muscles grow during periods of rest, so does your soul!
The Surprising Benefits of Forgetting
Like living forever, remembering everything can be fraught with a dark side. The inability to forget can be conceptualized in the same way as the inability to sleep. Here¡¦s how to forget and make your brain smarter.
The Surprising Saboteur of Resolutions
Resolving to be better is fueled by confidence. If you are changing habits because of social criticism or self-criticism, the journey will be fraught with anger and each step gets harder when you are weighed down by negativity. However, what if you approached a desired change with a personal delight
The Tiredness Solution: 9 Energizers
There is an epidemic of “I’m tired” and “I have no energy” spanning all age groups. Yet most people are too tired to consider their root causes. If you are tired of being tired, here are 9 sparks:
The Two Faces of Facebook
Does Facebook promote an exaggerated sense of self, a false façade of self-worth, or does it in actuality cultivate real self-esteem?
The Yanny-Laurel Debate Can Open Your Eyes
The yanny-laurel debate did not arrive a minute too soon to teach us a stress- management lesson. Which word do you hear? Yanny? Laurel? If sensory input is not to be trusted, how can you trust that your processing of the truth is right? Here’s how to listen more intently and talk less:
This Holiday Create Your Family’s Reality TV Show
This year record a family story about a life actually lived. It’s as though you create your own reality TV show during a holiday family get-together – this should be interesting to say the least.
This July 4th Declare Independence from Technology
Declare your independence by creating quiet time to reconnect with yourself and become aware of how you differ from everyone else. Are you ready to take the Unplugging and Reconnecting Challenge?
Tight Clothes Should Have a Warning Label
Wearing tight clothes could be hazardous to your health, leaving you with internal damage.
Time To Write The Not-To-Do List
In response to the constantly expanding endless to-do list I have come up with a counter strategy of what you will absolutely not do in the form of a not-to-do list. Here is what should appear on your list:
To Be Happy, Talk Happy
Happiness is not attained through pursuit; rather, it is created. To create happiness you need expansive, meaningful conversations, not small talk.
To De-stress Embrace the Ordinary
During times of extraordinary stress we feel that we have little or no control. At this point it would be wise to go the opposite route to get back in control: Reestablish the ordinary routine.
To Smile Yet Be Depressed
Did you know that there is a sinister syndrome known as smiling depression? Basically, this can be defined as sadness wearing a mask. Here are the symptoms:
Too Stressed to Sleep? Here’s How to Deal
If another person stresses me out by telling me how the lack of sufficient sleep can lead to a long list of ailments, I will stay up all night worrying. Here are some sleep solutions:
Toss the Toxic Brazilian Blowout and Try This
When did women start to use poisons in the quest for beauty? The Brazilian Blowout gives the phrase, drop-dead gorgeous, new meaning as it contains a deadly carcinogen. Here are 6 healthy tips to refresh, enhance, and celebrate your beauty:
Transform Your Life by Writing Your Eulogy
An ordinary person can write her own eulogy now while healthy, so that her words,her thoughts, her buried treasure could be revealed by the person who knows her best.
Trying To Be Happy Will Not Make You Happy
Many pursue happiness, but only some catch up with it. Part of the problem lies in the verbiage, “Trying to be happy.” Trying implies that one is not there yet and possibly never will be.
Turn Stress into Strength: Empty Your Mind to Feel Your Senses
Understanding Your Bad
Life is peppered with contradictions. Bad and good can be used to describe an event or a person depending on the angle of perception. What seems bad today could potentially be good tomorrow and vice versa. So, is your cup half full or half empty?
Using Color to Improve Your Performance
Did you know that color has a quick and powerful impact on the choices you make every day?
Vacation Success Has a New Twist
A new study by marketing professor Joe Sirgy of Virginia Tech's has some surprising findings which might help you to make a more cost effective decision to gauge if the trip is worth the expense and your time.
Vaccine Shortage Stressing You? Here’s How to Avoid the Flu
People are stressed that the flu vaccine is scarce and available only for those in special need. For those of us who are un-vaccinated here are some suggestions to avoid getting the flu.
Warning: Tidying Up Might NOT Bring You Joy
Being Tidy is overrated. Keeping my home and work space neat and organized makes me feel like a people-pleaser as opposed to a self-pleaser.
Weight Watchers is Stressing Out New Mothers
Jessica Simpson is struggling to meet Weight Watcher’s 5 month deadline. But it took Simpson 9 months to put on the weight, so isn’t it logical that it might take her 9 months to lose it?
What a Surprise? You Hold the Key to Longevity
To live longer and with a better life quality you need to know how to harness your power. Here is the formula:
What Do Columbus Day and Halloween Have In Common?
October is a month of self-discovery and fortifying personal identity. Identity is a complex matter, filled with contradictions.
What Happens When You Rub Sad and Glad Together?
As the Aladdin story goes, if you find an antique brass oil lamp and rub it vigorously, a genie will appear and grant you a wish. Probably you would request something that you needed or believed you wanted to make you happy. So, it makes sense that when you rub sad and glad together you unleash…
What You Should Know About Multi-Tasking
Daily juggling dilutes, depletes, depresses and oh that stress! Then why do we still multi-task?
What Your Clutter Reveals About You
Clutter has gotten a bad rap. Psychologists are always telling you to de-clutter and various specialists are eager to help you to discard and organize. Not so fast: Could it be that you are not hiding behind all that clutter, but rather using it for self-discovery?
What Your Coffee Choice Says About You
There are coffee personalities; this means the kind of coffee you drink can speak volumes about your personality. Many of us don't know who we are or what we want out of life; the coffee we like can provide a much-needed clue.
When Other Diets Fail Try the Low-Fad Diet
The common wisdom is that for a diet to succeed it has to have sex appeal. But these diets rarely work. When the realization hits that our bodies are not changing for the better and that we are just deceiving ourselves, it is time to follow a low-fad diet.
When You Feel Frustrated, Go With the Flow
Are you making your life impossible? When relationships or work are not going your way, try to go with the flow. Here´s how.
Where’s Your Motivation Now?
Many of us marvel how quickly resolve dips and dissipates. Are you aware of the different motivational styles – which one (s) strikes a chord with you?
Why Are Doctors Mum About Alzheimer’s Diagnosis?
Currently, Alzheimer’s has become the “A” word in diagnosis similar to cancer having once been the “C” word – the diagnosis nobody wanted to discuss. But not telling a patient can have dire consequences. So why are doctors keeping this a secret?
Why Do We Lie to the People We Love?
There’s something about love which stimulates the imagination. We fantasize about romance and sex. And this is just the setting for all the other lies which will soon emerge in our relationships:
Why Fortune Cookies Are Good For You
The best treat in a Chinese meal, aside from eating out or ordering in, is feeding on the Fortune cookie. Is there any concrete, quantifiable benefit to horoscope and psychic predictions? Well, perhaps there is.
Why Is Everyone Blissfully Happy, But Me?
Ironically, a gorgeous spring day triggers sadness, tiredness and emptiness. You would have preferred it to be a rainy day giving you an excuse to stay home, curl up and watch a movie. Why?
Why Isn’t All This Good Advice Working For You?
Every day you are bombarded by well-intentioned, “good” advice ranging from stress management to diet and exercise. Sorting it all out can be difficult. So why isn’t it working? Here’s what will:
Why Vacations Have Become Less Fun
The endless-to do list keeps growing because we are basically afraid of having free time – what do you with it? So now that it’s acceptable to be crazy busy and stressed out as part of a normal routine, is it acceptable to be overscheduled and structured on vacation?
Why Women Are More Likely To Get Alzheimer’s
A report from the Alzheimer’s Association says that women over the age of 60 have a 1 in 6 chance of getting Alzheimer’s while men have a 1 in 11. Why this gender disparity? The answer is stress!
Why Women Are More Prone to Depression Than Men
Both men and women are stressed environmentally, physically and emotionally. However, researchers in social psychiatry point out women are twice as likely as men to develop depression. Why? And what can you do about it?
Why You Shouldn’t Always Listen to Your Doctor
To manage your daily stress and feel reasonably happier you need to broaden your associations and liberate your mind from the blind respect you have given teachers, parents and professionals – people pleasing.
Will the New Barbie Improve Female Body Image?
Mattel has redesigned the Barbie doll with bigger hips and thicker thighs. After years of declining sales this new generation of Barbie dolls might address the emotional issues of the unrealistic body image. Or is this too simplistic? Here’s how to improve body image:
Women Do Less Housework, Gain More Weight
An interesting trend correlates with women packing on the pounds – they are doing less housework than previous generations. There has been an attitude shift in the female population and housework has become a dirty word.
Yes We Can
Yes, we can! But what exactly can we do? We all start out with great intention; however, it is the commitment which fades away. Happiness occurs when…
You Can Learn To Be Creative And Why
Creativity will set you on fire, not consume you. Create your reality. You might wonder why creativity so important. Let me count the ways for health and happiness.
You Really Are What You Eat
Food can bring people together making them feel either welcome or alienated. If you want to know what someone is really like, share a meal together.
Your Bad Habits Might Actually Be Good For You!
Changing a bad habit into a good one can be daunting to say the least. However, you can silence your stern inner critic and make small easy changes, both at the same time! Your bad habits actually have a lot of good in them!
Your Mind Can Either Heal Or Harm Your Body
The placebo effect proves the positive power of mind. However, you might be surprised to learn that the contrasting dark side is also true. Here’s what you can do about it.
Your Mother’s Hairstylist Could Save Her Life
Most of us develop a strong connection to our hairstylist. We confide our innermost secrets and share our problems as though the hairstylist were a therapist. Ever wonder what you mother is not telling you, but telling her stylist?
Your Words Can Improve Your Mood
You’re literally as good as your word. Words create your reality. They also hold clues to your deepest feelings. Being aware of imagery, pronouns and conjunctions you regularly use can provide important insight into your state of mind.
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