A Childfree Lifestyle

Are Childfree Communities Havens?
As more adults grow into old age without children with grandchildren, trend-seeking real estate developers are offering childfree housing alternatives. Are age-restricted, child-free communities really havens?
Are the Child Free Spoiled? YOU BET WE ARE!
Many people have called us selfish for not wanting kids. But have you ever been called "spoiled"? I consider that a compliment! And here´s why you should too.
Career Driven and Child Free
There are lots of reasons people don’t want kids. Sometimes it’s because you are spending your time nurturing a career. And there’s nothing wrong with that!
Child Free and Religion
How does religion and the encouragement of procreation fit into your life?
Child Free Couples and Pets
Are you a "Cat Mom"? How about a "Dog Dad?" So many child-free people have pets. Ever wondered why? Some of our regular Married No Kids readers share their thoughts on the connection between pet ownership and choosing to be child-free.
Child Free Lifestyle Featured on British TV
A Married No Kids reader tells her story on national television!
Child Free vs. Childless
What´s the difference between being "Child Free" and "Childless"? How do you describe yourself?
Child Free Women and Breast Cancer
There are some health risks involved when you choose not to have children. Knowing what they are can help save your life.
Childfree New Year Notes
The New Year is a great time to do some housecleaning so here is a collection of year-end observations and notes I made for articles that haven't come to fruition but deserve to be addressed: Childfree dating sites, the "purity" of parents, and acting locally while thinking globally.
Childfree versus Childless
Countless individuals worldwide are living lives without procreating, but what exactly do you call people who don’t have kids? Titles for parents include mom and dad, or mother and father. Depending on the person you ask, the response may vary considerably.
Creative Childfree Holidays
Holiday season is upon us again. It can be a miserable time or a beautiful, magical season all depending on how we approach the days leading up to the holidays.
Demoting Your Pet Because of a Child
As the mother of two adorable cats, I can’t imagine a world where they become unimportant. But apparently this happens regularly to pets when a “bundle of joy” arrives.
Don’t Worry About Getting Old
Having someone to take care of you when you are old is NOT a good reason to get pregnant! Here are some words of wisdom from an older member of the child free community.
Facing Child-Free Social Fears
Childfree social fears are pervasive in our kid-centered society and often sound like this: I might not fit into society if I don�t have kids. What if I don�t have any friends because I don�t have kids? What if people think I am weird, or some kind of misfit?
Facing the Most Common Child-Free Fears
Looking back through years of MNK archives I recognize three main categories of fear expressed by childfree people: Abandonment, social, and existential. Abandonment fears inspire questions such as: who will care for me when I become elderly and frail if I don�t have adult kids?
Friends with Kids
Childfree people need childfree friends because, quite frankly, they are in the minority. Being childfree can be a lonely journey if your door is not open to establishing new friendships and understanding your friends’ choice to have kids, much as you expect them to understand your choice.
I'll Never Have Kids. Now What?
Whether determinedly childfree, or reluctantly childless, people without kids go through a period of mourning. When the sadness lifts, a wide open horizon appears - a measure of freedom - and I think, "OK, now what's next?"
If You Don’t Want Kids, You’re Not Alone
A letter from a Married No Kids reader puts into words what many of you are feeling about your decision to remain child free.
I’d Rather Have a Cat
So many child free people have pets. Here’s how we got our adorable kitties, and why I prefer them to a kid any day.
Living Childfree and Community Connected
Childfree couples and singles are often subject to accusations of being “selfish” or “antisocial.” In my experience, childfree people are some of the most generous and actively community-oriented people I meet.
Losing a Life Partner
Many people think that childfree people have a more difficult time with the loss of a beloved life partner without the support of children. Former newspaper lifestyle editor Cara Swann has a different take on the subject. She lost her spouse several years ago and is childfree by choice.
Married No Kids
Next time you leisurely walk about your local bike or walking path, take a look around. What do you see? Most certainly you will notice mothers pushing baby strollers, or fathers riding bikes with their kids. But look again.
Married No Kids Newsletter
There are literally hundreds of topics available on BellaOnline, one of which is Married No Kids. More and more men and women are choosing not to have children. Several books related to this topic have been published, and many new blogs and forums concerning being childfree are surfacing.
Meeting Childfree Couples and Singles
The question that comes my way most often on this site is; "Where can I meet other childfree people?" It can be difficult to meet up with other couples and singles that don't have kids, especially when living in a rural area or small town.
Men Without Kids Face Social Pressures Too.
I�ve had several requests from men asking for commentary about living childfree, or childless, from a male point-of-view. Women seem to bear the brunt of criticism and pressure in this kid-centric society and I was curious about what sorts of social pressures men are subjected to on a daily basis
My New Nephew!
My sister recently had her first baby. It has been an interesting experience, not just for her, but for me too!
New Year’s Resolutions for the Child Free
What do you want to do most this year? Chances are, you will have more time and money to put toward your goals.
On Turning 30
I recently celebrated this milestone with friends and family. And boy was I surprised how I felt about it!
Pets Strengthen the Marriage Bond
I’ve read statements claiming that pets don’t bond a married couple like children do, yet, I’ve been married to my husband for more years than I care to admit – and one of the things that kept us together and interested in one another is an intense interest in our pets and in animal rescue.
Seasons of a Childfree Life
Being childfree means people have no excuses not to pursue their dreams. Many who choose to procreate live their dreams through their children, which can be wonderful if their children have similar aspirations.
Spending Quality Time with Yourself
Just another benefit of life without children.
Surviving Mother's Day
Obviously, Mother�s Day can be stressful for the childfree by choice or circumstance. It helps to reflect on the origins of Mother�s Day to defuse some of its irritating power.
Take the Road Less Traveled
Ever feel like you are blazing your own trail with your decision to remain child-free? Robert Frost knows exactly what you´re feeling...
What Mother’s Day Means To Me
I may not be a mother, but I am someone’s daughter.
Who Will Remember Me After I'm Gone?
Some psychologists suggest that we seek to deny death, and reduce related anxiety, by turning our lives over to a symbolic power that we perceive as being greater than ourselves. This can be a god, art, a hero, anything really � even children.
Why Do People Think the Child Free Are Selfish?
Anyone can be selfish. Yet, somehow that is the first thing people say about us. I just don´t get it.
Why Kids Aren’t For Me
What is it about parenthood that I dislike so much? Just about everything!
Witty Child Free Comebacks!
What zingers do you regularly use when people ask the dreaded question..."So, when are you two going to start having kids?"
Women Who Don’t Want Children
OK, so what’s “wrong” with us? Isn’t the desire to have children natural? NOT FOR EVERYONE!
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