Childhood ADD

Against Punishment for Kids with ADD
What's the difference between punishment and discipline? What are the long-term effects of punishment? How does setting limits affect discipline? What does all of this have to do with Attention Deficit Disorder?
Attention Deficit Disorder Causes in Children
What do you say when people ask what causes Attention Deficit Disorder? Is it nature or nurture? What part does genetics play compared to the environmental factors? Read what research says about the causes of ADD or ADHD in children.
Emotional Maturity and Children with ADD
What three words shouldn't you use with kids who have Attention Deficit Disorder? Don't tell them to "act your age." They don't have the same social-emotional age as their peers who share the same birth year. Find out why! What are the implications for their lives?
Enjoy Spring Break with ADD
Spring Break can be a time of renewal for families who have children with Attention Deficit Disorder. Plan some enjoyable activities. Structure the time, so that everybody will enjoy the family time together. Here are some articles that can help your family create a fantastic Spring Break.
Finding a Boy Scout Troop and ADD/ADHD
Joining a Boy Scout troop or Venture Crew can be a wonderful experience. Your child can develop deep relationships with peers and other adults. Skills and independence can be learned or enhanced. A well-chosen troop or crew can add to your child’s natural social support network and social skills.
Friendship Formation and ADD
Childhood is where most people develop the skills to make friends. Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder often have trouble making and keeping friends. This article explores reasons why kids with ADD have trouble making friends and discusses what parents can do to help their kids form friendships.
Girls with ADD and Behavior Concerns
Researchers found that girls with ADD were about 3 times more likely to have depression (10.3 percent of girls with ADHD) and anxiety disorder (37.7 percent of girls with ADHD) than girls without Attention Deficit Disorder. Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder were major concerns.
Impulsive Behaviors and Danger for Kids with ADD
Kids with ADD are impulsive, creative, energetic, and will persist in trying to solve puzzles that they are interested in. This can be a good thing, unless they are putting themselves in danger. Limit the dangerous situations that your child can find himself in.
Integrative Pediatrics and ADD
Many parents appreciate having alternatives to medication for their children who have Attention Deficit Disorder. This article tells how integrative pediatrics can help. It also offers resources to help find out more about this branch of pediatric medicine and alternative treatments for ADD.
Internet Safety and Kids with ADD
Many parents are uncomfortable about limiting their child’s computer freedoms. Hopefully, you already have computer rules in place to protect your child with ADD. Here are a group of policies that I feel are important to help keep your child internet-safe.
Learning Disabilities Occur with ADD
Children with Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hypertension may also have specific learning disabilities, too. Studies from the University College London and University of Rochester Medical Center shed light on challenges faced by children with Attention Deficit Disorder.
Meltdowns and Children with ADD
They used to be called temper tantrums. Now, they’re called meltdowns. What can you do if your child with Attention Deficit Disorder skips right past angry and into a full-blown rage? What actions can you take to either avert the meltdown or help your child regain control more quickly?
More Than 25 Activities for Kids with ADD
Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder dislike boredom. They will find ways to make their own fun, whether an adult thinks that the activity is fun, or not. Plan ways to help these creative kids enjoy the summer. Here are some ideas that allow kids to build on their strengths and that parents enjoy.
Planning Safe Vacation Fun with ADD
Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder are blessed with huge doses of creativity and a flair for out-of-the-box problem solving. Add these traits with boundless energy and impulsivity and you have a recipe for an interesting vacation…or a disaster waiting to happen. What's the difference? Planning!
Play Time Helps Kids with ADD to Focus
When children with Attention Deficit Disorder are given a reason to move their bodies, good things can happen. Creativity may be increased. They are less bored. Increasing oxygen to the brain enhances their mind’s ability to focus. What’s the best part of this treatment? It’s child’s play!
Rewarding Children and ADD
The most important thing to remember about rewarding a child is to choose something that the child desires. Do this by asking the child what they want! A reward is only reinforcing when it is a preferred object or activity. It doesn’t need to be expensive; it only needs to be desired.
Safety Tips and Kids with ADD
How do you keep kids with Attention Deficit Disorder safe when they are on a school holiday? Lazy, unstructured days can be dangerous days for impulsive children. These safety tips can help all kids, especially those with ADD or ADHD, have a safer and more pleasant time out of school.
Setting Limits and ADD
Setting limits is an effective way to discipline children with Attention Deficit Disorder. It can be thought of as a statement that says, "If you do this, then this will be the result." The child knows what will happen. He can depend on the parental response.
Social Networks for Children with ADD
A child who has a lot of friends to socialize with is blessed, indeed! What if your child is lonely and isolated? What do you do? Maybe it's time to consider helping them build a natural social network. This article tells how to do this.
Summer Camp Fun and ADD
Summer is the time to refresh the spirit and build memories. If you decide to send your child to summer camp, carefully choose a camp that is a good match for your child’s needs! Summer camp can help foster independence and permit your child to have experiences that help him develop his interests.
Summer Fun with Attention Deficit Disorder
Summer is the time for families to be together and let some of the cares of the real world drift away. For families with kids who have Attention Deficit Disorder, this can be the best time of the year. Summer is what you make it! Plan a wonderful summer.
Summer Safety and ADD
Children with Attention Deficit Disorder are creative and adventurous. They may take higher levels of risk than some of their peers. ADD can pre-dispose kids to be more accident prone. Here are links to articles that give ideas to help keep your children safe in the less structured days of summer.
Summertime Tips for Kids with ADD
Kids with Attention Deficit Disorder are amazingly creative. What is it like at your house if they become bored? Do your children make their own fun? Discover simple tips for making the summer break a happy and productive time for the whole family.
Swimming Safety and ADD
Impulsivity and executive function are hallmarks of Attention Deficit Disorder. What does that mean, and how can it impact swimming safety? What does an expert on swimming safety have to say about drowning? Why should parents know the signs of drowning? How can drowning be prevented?
Telling Relatives About a Child with ADD
When you have a child with hyperactivity, it seems that everybody is an expert on your child's behaviors. Strangers will stop you to give their opinions. An ADD/ADHD diagnosis brings some relief. Now you know what is happening and can address the issues. But what do you tell your relatives?
The Value of Companion Animals and ADD
If your family's lifestyle allows for pet ownership, consider adding a companion animal to your family. These furry family members need the dedication and resources to enjoy a "forever family." When you have a child with ADD, a companion animal, can mean the world to that child.
The VOICES Study and Attention Deficit Disorder
What do adults ask kids with ADD/ADHD about their condition? Questions center around the possible side effects of medication. The VOICES Study suggests that parents, schools, and medical professionals would help the children more by teaching them about how this condition affects the child's life.
Water Safety Tips and Attention Deficit Disorder
Keep those active, creative kids with Attention Deficit Disorder safe around water. This list of water safety tips can help you educate the children who you love about what to do and not do around water. There is no reason for any child to drown through a lack of education or adult inattention.
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