Living with ADD

A Healthy Breakfast Affects ADD
When you have Attention Deficit Disorder, you can improve your symptoms by having a healthy lifestyle. That's can be difficult when you are easily distracted. With a few little tweaks, your lifestyle can become healthier. One way to do this is by giving you and your loved ones healthy breakfast.
A Marriage and a Spouse with ADD
Marriage to a spouse who has Attention Deficit Disorder is complicated by the unique way that people with ADD process events. This is offset by the energy that a partner with ADD/ADHD brings to a marriage. Learning to communicate clearly with your spouse is the key to a true partnership.
A Strong Marriage with ADD
Why do some couples’ marriage last and grow stronger, even though the path is not smooth for them? Others seem to have it all, but their marriage crashes and burns! What makes the difference? How does Attention Deficit Disorder factor into all of this?
ADD and Project Management at Work
People with ADD and executive function problems are sometimes worried that a project can turn into a disaster. Building structure within the project is essential. With careful planning and focused attention to detail, managing a project can be a way for the person with ADD to shine in the workplace.
ADD Moments
At my age, I have learned to adapt to many situations where I have ADD moments. Sometimes, for brief periods of time, I forget that I have ADD. Then, I am reminded that Attention Deficit Differences are real, and they are part of my life forever. What matters is how you handle those ADD moments.
ADHD-Our Story [offsite link]
A wonderful article that explains what it is like to have a family dealing with ADHD. Take time for the rest of the site also.
Attention Deficit Disorder and Pet Ownership
Don't let ADD stop you from having a companion animal. Having a charming dog can help you meet people and exercise, too. Petting cats can lower blood pressure during stressful situations. Birds are endlessly exciting to watch and listen to. A fish tank can provide an oasis of calm in a busy life.
Attention Deficit Disorder and Responsibility
Attention Deficit Disorder can add layers of complexity to our lives. People experience the negative symptoms of ADD in various ways. Some may have problems with inattention. Lack of focus can cause glitches in all areas of their lives. See how you can commit to responsibilities when you lack focus.
Attention Deficit Disorder Facts
Find out the facts! What is Attention Deficit Disorder? How is ADD/ADHD diagnosed and treated? Should children and adults take medication? What are some problems that people have with medication? When ADD/ADHD is not diagnosed and properly treated, what may happen? Read this article to find out!
Cleaning a Car and ADD
What does having a clean car have to do with Attention Deficit Disorder? In my life's journey through the maze that is ADD, I've found that the more you can keep organized, the easier it is to maintain focus. Stress from a messy car can increase the negative symptoms of ADD! Here's help.
Creative Problem Solving and ADD
Students in classrooms and workers on the job often find themselves in trouble because they don't complete tasks in the same manner that most other people do. Nobody expects the creative types of solutions that they find. The person with ADD will jump straight from Plan A to Plan G to Plan Z!
Disclosing ADD at Your Job
When do you tell people at work that you have ADD? The answer is different for each of us. Make an informed decision by using this simple strategy.
Finding a Job with ADD
Many adults with Attention Deficit Disorder are either underemployed or unemployed. Each person is a compilation of personality traits and skills. You need to take your personal characteristics into account when finding the right job for you. How can you find your ideal job?
Finding True Love with Attention Deficit Disorder
How would you define true love? How does having Attention Deficit Disorder complicate the equation for true love? Does living with ADD make finding that magical, loving person more difficult? True love is the ultimate friendship. Finding it is part of the answer, but you also need to sustain love.
Food Additives and Attention Deficit Disorder
Do food additives including coloring and preservatives cause Attention Deficit Disorder? No, ADD is a biological disorder. Can they cause hyperactivity? Recent studies seem to suggest that they can. Keep reading for the rest of the story!
Handling Frustration and ADD
Into everybody’s life a little frustration must fall. However, if you have ADD, you may have more than your fair share of frustration due to problems with the ability to focus. By using your creativity and problem solving skills, your planning can make frustration a manageable part of your life.
Insomnia with ADD
People with Attention Deficit Disorder may have a lot of problems getting to sleep. Find out about insomnia and what can be done about it.
Involuntary Tics with ADD
Involuntary tics, also just known as tics, occur with a number of conditions, including Attention Deficit Disorder. Tics are repetitive in nature. Who gets tics and how are they caused? When do people have tics? What types of tics are there? People have these and many more questions about tics.
Keeping a Job with Attention Deficit Disorder
For people who wrestle with Attention Deficit Disorder, finding a job that you love is a first step in staying gainfully employed. Also, take control of your environment! Having the right atmosphere, organization, attitude toward meetings, and interpersonal skills are all crucial to keeping a job.
LDOnline in Depth-ADHD [offsite link]
LDOnline is a website that has a wealth of information about learning differences. There is a large collection of articles on ADHD. Click on ADHD to visit the articles.
Limiting Stress with Attention Deficit Disorder
Stress comes because there are things to do, and we are not getting them done. Procrastination often stems from feeling overwhelmed. There is too much to do, too little time to do it, and your whole life is one confusing mess. How can you get it all sorted out and lower your stress level?
Making Life Changes with ADD
Especially, if you have Attention Deficit Disorder, change may be difficult, since sustaining attention is a hard process. What can you do to make effective changes if you have Attention Deficit Disorder?
Medication Myths and ADD
A lot has changed since Attention Deficit Disorder was considered a moral failing and lack of effort. Research has shown that it is a biological disorder, and that medication and other therapies can improve the negative symptoms of ADD/ADHD. Information about ADD medication is still full of myths.
Morning Organization for ADD
Many people have trouble organizing in the morning, especially if there are kids involved. When you factor in one or more family members with Attention Deficit Disorder, the difficulties can increase. Organization is helped by planning ahead. Here are some effective tips for success.
Myths About Attention Deficit Disorder
We read sensational stories about Attention Deficit Disorder and its causes and treatments in the popular press. Are these stories myths or truth? Read about some of the myths of ADD/ADHD. Find out where to get accurate information.
Perseveration and Attention Deficit Disorder
Perseveration is when a person continues the same action or thought after the original stimuli is gone. It can be a persistent thought or idea that a person just can't get rid of, and it is non-productive. This can be a problem for folks with ADD. How can you break the perseveration cycle?
Positive Self Talk Helps ADD
Positive self-talk is when a person puts the best spin that they can on events. The person tries to find the positive in an event as they think about it. Positive self-talk can be a powerful tool in building a great life with Attention Deficit Disorder.
Spring Cleaning and ADD
Do you have spring cleaning at your house? A lot of what was completed in the old days is now unnecessary. However, taking stock of your mind and spirit, may be a way to honor this old tradition. What does this have to do with ADD? Well, it’s time to get to look at mirror traits and celebrate ADD!
Tips for Mastering a To Do List with ADD
If you love a to-do list, or you would like to love a to-do list, here are some ways that you can achieve mastery of your list. With Attention Deficit Disorder, there is a tendency to drift. A to-do list can help a person be more productive and have more time to enjoy their passions in life.
Unwrapping the Gifts of ADD
Many articles discuss people "suffering" with ADD. What about the celebrities who owe their success, at least in part, to the "gifts" of ADD? Which of these "gifts of ADD" helped to drive their rise to the top?
When Your Grandchild Has ADD [offsite link]
Lots of information in this article for grandparents of ADD children. The importance of family support, including the extended family, is stressed by the authors.
Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.
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