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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Walkthrough
NKA - Getting To the Missile Areas

This is another REALLY long mission, so again, be patient. There's no reason to rush. Save often. You hear that 'war is unavoidable'

Open the trap, go down the rope. At the bottom, go towards the truck on the left. Shoot out the far swinging light. Keep going to the front of the truck. Shoot out the light here. Go into the hole in front of the truck. Down in this tunnel, go left into the machine room and right. There's now a little tunnel on the left. Go left then right, right to a ladder beneath a grate. You'll see a guy in here at a desk. Wait for him to leave.

Scan the computer - it has a camera. Go out the right door, then left into a red checkered room. Now move back left to the computer. From there go towards the door until you see the guy in the cube using a computer. You can hack it, but it's not really interesting. Go past him and look through the window to the left - hack this one to get shipping records. Redding wants logs from another 3 systems.

Go back to the exit door by the cube guy, and out to hallway. Move along to the bunk room. Really here you can just walk slowly past them and stealth open the next door. There's a camera up on the wall ahead - shoot it. Go right along the wall. Now go left at the end of the room - there's a door to pick. This is a computer room. Stealth open the door. Scan the computers down next to the guard. You are looking just below the monitor to get to the computer. When you're done, leave.

Now go out and hard right through and behind the boxes. Take the crawl space over to the ladder. You hear guys talking. When they're done, climb up. Go to the crawl space under the object in the middle of the room. Your aim is to get to the red panel and bypass circuit to move the missile.

So wait for the guards to fully leave. Then go do that. When you have, hide at the front of the truck and jump on the hood. Shoot out the lights to the left and right. Jump up on the hood and up to the rail on the top and follow the missile along that rail. Note that you have to go quickly here so the cameras don't see you. When you get into the red area - drop down.

Go forward, then drop down into the next room.

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Walkthrough

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