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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Spiderman 2 Walkthrough
Chapter 9: When Aliens Attack

* Complete Daily Bugle Assignment

Head to the Daily Bugle, white marker. Cut scene. Head back to the bathroom and change. Cut scene. You get a timed mission. Head to the marker but be aware, once you get to the building it isn’t over. Walk into the ground floor entrance and in opens, go to the far right and up the stairs to the center doors for a cut scene.

Don’t be intimidated by the timer. It isn’t for the entire mission but just for the 2 reporters hanging off the balcony. Start by charging your jump and going to the right. Use the web grab TRIANGLE + O to get the reporter off the balcony and return him to the big balcony where you started. Once you get there press O to drop him off and then go get the reporter hanging on the left balcony. You actually have time to beat a few baddies on the way which may make it easier to keep life. Once you take this guy back the timer will stop and you need to save the other 4 people. You can do this one at a time and beat the baddies that get in your way or try to save them all first or all last. I chose to mix and mingle. Once they are all saved keep offing baddies until you get a cut scene. Total time for this was just under 3 minutes once you get it down.

You’re not done yet. As you leave you get a cut scene. Head to the blue marker, which will be the Statue of Liberty. Use your R2 web to climb up the 'things' floating in the air. Once you get to the top you need to knock out all eight of the lights at the end of each arm. You do this by swinging near it while charging your jump. Once you release the jump press X to double jump and as you get near the light press [] attack repeatedly. Once you finish swing to the next one and repeat. I found it a little easier to swing in and out as opposed to right to left but do whatever works for you. Once all eight are done you only get a few seconds to swing into the middle and punch the center piece a few times. If you don’t get in quick enough the eight light will respawn. Once you do manage to jump in make sure to jump up when the blade swings by or it will knock you out. Once you finish this, about 3 minutes total once you get it, you move to a cut scene.

Oh, you’re still not done. Now you have to head to the blue marker and climb up the final building and into the open window. Once inside move to the book case and a cut scene begins. This first baddie needs to be hit in the back so he doesn’t rock forward and ax you. A few punches does the trick and you can head inside. Another cut scene. Beat these guys in the same way by trying to stay behind them or punch them in the front a few times and get out of the way before they rock forward. Cut scene.

Climb up into the hole. Cut scene. You end up in a big round room surrounded with mirrors. Like 30 or so. You’ll quickly discover that as you approach one a distorted version of you pops out and tries to kill you. You want to jump around a lot. Run to a mirror and punch it 3 or 4 quick times until it breaks and IMMEDIATELY jump away. They will try to punch you and grab you with webs. Continue to do this around the room avoiding any and all confrontations that you can. Keep punching mirrors and jumping over and over. You’ll find one that won’t break and sounds like metal. Ignore that for now. When you break all of the mirrors, that last one will turn into a door. Go to a cut scene.

Follow the blue marker out the window and the mission is complete.

Spiderman 2 Walkthrough

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