<%@ Language=VBScript %> Myst 3: Exile Walkthrough - Tips Techniques
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Lisa Shea
BellaOnline's Computer / Console Game Editor


Myst 3: Exile Walkthrough
J'nanin: Chasing the Bad Guy

You start out in your first 'real world' in hot persuit of the Bad Guy. Don't worry about catching him - you can't :). However, getting in to him is one of the things you're trying to do here. Actually, your aim in this world is to open up paths to 3 other worlds, and to retrieve something from each one. So consider this your 'hub' to those other worlds.

You'll find clues on this world that help you unravel the mysteries of each of those three other worlds. So be sure to take note of anything you see lying around here, because it's probably useful going forward.

I thought about loading up a map, but really, you can just about see everywhere from everywhere on this world. It's just a circular island. Email me if you really can't find something.

You have to get in to Saavedro before you can leave to any of the other 3 worlds. The key to unlocking each book is up with Saavedro. Go around to the bottom beautiful stained glass building. Make lots of notes in here, there are tons of clues here for you. Pull the lever to get to his workshop. Now send the elevator up without actually getting in it. Go down beneath and you'll find exposed workings.

Look familiar? It's like some of his drawings. Set each of the machinery up the way he indicates in his drawings. They're pretty straight forward. Once you do, the elevator can now turn, and when you get into it, you can get into the room with him. He'll run off of course, but you're now where you can get the info to unlock the three books.

Focus each spyglass in this room at the window drawing, and make sure you focus it well using the little knobs. Once each drawing is focussed and the right size, make a note of where the little dots are on the controls. I like to use hour/minute estimates (like 6:30) to guess where they are. Those dots are exactly where you need to put each control in each building in order to get to the books.

Once you get all 3 books, and retrieve the code from each, you'll be able to get the master book here and enter the final world.

The Myst 3: Exile Walkthrough

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